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Fences on main roads

I'd love to be able to afford a house further off the main road, but unfortunately I'm not there yet. In the meantime, we live near a main road, and we have a huge fence to keep the dogs and the kids inside and the noise out. It's a challenge to find a design for a really big fence that doesn't look like a jail fence! I have researched all of the options I have to keep everyone safe and make our yard as comfortable as possible, and I thought this info might be useful for other homeowners like me.


Fences on main roads

Are Automatic Gates Really That Much Better?

by Ellen Wallo

Whether you are talking about residential or commercial gate automation, the fact is that automatic gates are a lot more convenient. Rather than having to get out of your car to open your gate, then inch your vehicle forwards, then get back out to shut the gate once more, you can have the whole process automated. Of course, residential gate automation means saving a few minutes in your day every time you want to pull onto your driveway or head out first thing, but is that all there is to it? Read on to find out some other very important reasons why installing automatic gates at your home or business premises makes a great deal of sense.

Avoid Dangers

If your property faces a busy road, then you won't want people being able to make their way out directly into the face of oncoming traffic. In this sense, residential gate automation can be a real lifesaver if it prevents a pet or a child running out into the road. Equally, automatic gates can help drivers to remain safe. For example, if you need to pull out onto a busy street and then immediately get out of your vehicle to shut the gate, you could block the traffic and even put yourself in harm's way. With an automated gate, such dangers become a thing of the past.

Greater Security

Many businesses which have opted for commercial gate automation already know that it makes their commercial premises more secure. This is because it restricts access in certain areas to only approved vehicles. Most gates will only open if the right passcode is known or a transponder has been fitted that talks wirelessly to the opening mechanism. The same goes for residential gate automation, of course. By restricting access to only approved vehicles, so your property becomes much more secure. Need to allow access for a visitor or a delivery? If so, then you can always flick a switch to have the gate open for you. Either way, you are in control, which makes your property more secure than ever before.

Create an Impression

One of the most underrated aspects of residential gate automation is the effect it has on people who arrive. To put it bluntly, installing an automatic gate creates a wow factor. By having the entranceway to your home operate with an automated gate you are sending out a message and one that will usually impress.

Contact a residential gate automation company to learn more.
